Coupon Integration : iOS
5/27/2015 11:21:06 AM

Coupon Service

Coupon Service is a reward program for users that input coupons published by the IGAW Coupon Service.

For more information on Coupon Service, please go to the following link.

[Coupon Service Guide]

  1. IGAW General Integration must be set in order to integrate coupon add-on.  [IGAW Common Installation: iOS]
  2. In order to integrate the coupon service, IgaworksUnityPlugin_iOS~*.unitypackage file must be included in Unity project. [SDK Installation: iOS]

Coupon API

To use coupon service, IgaworksAD.h, IgaworksCoupon.h files should be imported.


Enter user identification value

User identification value is a set of information to identify users who have completed the campaign and are eligible for a reward.

User identification value must be set before a user enters a coupon code.


  1. One user should only have one unique value, not variable.
  2. Must not contain any personal information(email, name, phone number, username).
  3. Must go through URL encoding if contains Korean, special character, or blank space.
  4. It should be set before the user enters the coupon codes.

User identification values should be entered while keeping the notices above in mind.

[IgaworksAD setUserId:@"user10001"];

Coupon Display

A UI for users to input a coupon code is needed. Refer below to setup a coupon code input window.

  1. Use Coupon SDK.
  2. Use your custom UI

You can use a UI provided by Coupon SDK or a customized UI. Integrate using the following steps for the appropriate UI.


Use Custom SDK

Call up showCoupon API to display an input window.

#import <IgaworksAD/IgaworksCoupon.h>

- (void)couponInputBoxClickActionSample {
    [IgaworksCoupon showCoupon];

Use Your UI

checkCoupon API should be called up to transmit the coupon code entered by a user as parameter. The result will be returned accordingly.

Transmit the coupon code entered by a user in the "coupon code" in the example below as NSString.

#import <IgaworksAD/IgaworksCoupon.h>

- (void)customCouponInputBoxActionSampleWithCouponText{
    [IgaworksCoupon checkCoupon:@"coupon code"];

Coupon Delegation

In the Coupon Service, delegation is available to define an additional action after a coupon is used.


Register delegation

To use coupon delegation, delegation should be registered as listed below.

[IgaworksCoupon shared].delegate = self;

Implement delegation

This is a sample to notify users through AlertView when a coupon was used.

- (void)IgaworksCouponValidationDidComplete:(BOOL)result message:(NSString*)message {
    UIAlertView *alertView = 
        [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Coupon Validation"
            otherButtonTitle:@"Confirm", nil];

IGAW Reward Server Integration

Note that IGAW reward server integration must be established to provide rewards to users who entered a coupon code.

In our Coupon Service, the reward server integration method is supported through our internal server.

Check the following link for more information on IGAW Reward Server integration.

[IGAW Reward Server Integration Guide]